Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer is here

I'm know. I'm doing a horrible job of keeping updated. I barely have time to think sometimes, let alone try to come up with something witty to share with you. Spring was an insane season in the Elliott house: volleyball, baseball, end of the school year, AWANAS... Like I said, I've been busy.

I can tell you that we will be rearranging rooms soon. Lisa is very excited to be getting her own room & Nate has loved spending nights with Ben & Lisa. He really only uses his bed for naps. Of course, right now there is a huge pile of toys in his room. I'm trying to sort through and downsize, so I thought the best way to do this is to get the toys all in one place. Yes, I have enough faith to move a mountain and there is definitely a mountain in Nate's room. WATCH it move. It may take all month but it will get done.

On the book front, I've been rejected by my first five submissions. I guess I have like 300 more to go. (Yet another mountain I plan on moving). I haven't had much time to submit to other agents. I guess that's good. With this little break from not looking at it, I've had some thoughts on how to improve it. But, that too is the mind of a writer: always editing and rethinking.

I hope to keep you with a constant flow of randomness, but I'm not going to make any promises that I'm not sure I can keep. Here's to next time. =)

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