Friday, June 12, 2009

Ambiguity is more than one syllable

I've been working on a book for the past couple of years. It's almost complete and ready for professional eyes. I became discouraged the other day (perhaps the FEAR of failure) when I noticed that some of my narrative did not sound like an adolescent but an adult. Of course I am an adult and I use very big words. Even when I was in my teens I still used big words, and I've come to realize that this is probably not the norm. Anyway, then I came across a friends blog (Mark) and he wrote a piece using mostly one syllable words. I was deeply impressed. His piece was masterful. I would actually have to concentrate very hard to not use multiple syllable words. I find myself daily re-explaining what I thought was a simple explanation, but my children have no clue what I was talking about because I used a word they didn't understand. If I had only realized this 8 years ago, when they were not yet one I may have saved myself a lot of headache and heartache. ANY-Hoo, I'm rambling. This is all to say that my friends writing is a work of inspiration and he should be aware of this. Not only for my writing but perhaps for everyday communication. I come back to the KISS. Always Keep It Super Simple. Why have I overcomplicated my life?

What inspires you? What makes you keep on going?