Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost there

I just started chapter 24. Some of you may not know what that means, and some of you might not care, but to the chosen few, it means that I've started the last chapter of my book. The work in progress for the past three years. Why three? Well, I'm not very good at multi-tasking and two years ago I had another son and last year was one fraught with disaster. We survived and my hope is renewed. I really hope to get this chapter done this week. My goal for 2009 = Introduce it to a publisher and/or agent.
Here's hoping. (BTW: this photo is not mine. I got it off the net. But he is a great representation of one of the characters in my book. I guess you'll have to read it to find out which one.)


Paula Miller said...

Way to go, Becky! Can't wait to see your book in the bookstores!

Mark said...

How often do you get to read 'fraught' in a blog? Go Becky.

The picture is a 'he'? I totally thought it was a girl. Might mess with my head a bit if I figure out which character 'he' looks like. :)