Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Be or not To Be...

I was thinking just now that some of my random thoughts probably are best left alone and not for public viewing. That may be why I have no consistent time when I actually blog. But here is a thought that I would like to share. I attended my writer's club last night and we had had an exercise where we wrote a page anonymously. We all tried to figure out who wrote what. It was a lot of fun and we had a great laugh. We tease each other because, the truth be told, we all have our own unique style of writing. I'm always teased because people don't usually end up mutilated or dead when I write. (Once I actually pricked someones neck with a knife and they bled a little.) Whereas, another writer is teased because they do. Go figure. I'm the Care Bear hugging, "let's have a happy ending" writer. I am capable of writing something totally against my style. (At least, I think I am.) Someone told me that I'll never win an award if I always have a happy ending. But, would I want an award for something that isn't me? Should I go against my grain and totally try and see if I can produce a product of work that completely and utterly screams, "This is not me!"??? What a mess that could make. Should I continue to write predictability or shake things up a bit?

PS: Fellow Writer's Clubbers - I don't mind being teased.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I don't think you write predictably, and I think it's great to develop a unique voice.

But you don't let your characters remain one-dimensional, and neither should you. That's one of the things I love about the group. It's a good environment for exploring other styles. I think the more you write, the more facets of your own writing style you will discover and develop.

But that's just one man's casual opinion :-]