Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey All,
I guess you might have been wondering what happened to me. Well, in the past month, we've had one child learning how to walk. He's getting pretty good at it. Now everything must be placed higher. "Search and Destroy" is his motto. Well, it might be "Search and explore", but they sound an awful lot alike. Of course, I'm talking about Nate. ON the day he took his first steps, he took two an then fell down. I was so excited; I got the camera and called Rick in to see. This is what we got for the next 15 minutes.

Yep, you guessed it. He stood up and fell down. He thought we'd been praising him for his gracious fall. For the next several days I followed him around with the camera trying to get a shot of some steps. Whenever I got the camera out he'd start the falling routine again. Finally, on a day when a friend of ours, Stacy, was over, I got the coveted steps on film.

Speaking of walking. While we were trying to get one son to walk, we were doing our best to keep the other one seated. That is very hard to do since they made it against the law to tie your kids up. Ben thought that when the doctor said he was allowed to put pressure on his leg, that meant he was allowed to run. Just trying to get him to use his walker was a chore, let alone keep him from wrestling around and playing on it. We have Wii fit and he thinks he should be allowed to use it now. (Groan)

He got the bar and pins off on Sept. 19. He was out of school that day. I thought that it would be a whole day affair. Rick took him to the hospital at 6:30AM. (Note the time. That's why Rick took him.) They were back by 9:15AM. Ben was alert for the rest of the day with barely any complaint of pain.

Now, he can walk on it without his walker, but we make him use it in attempts to slow him down. He's allowed to walk on it. (No running, NO jumping, NO climbing, and NO wrestling) I can only image what he tries to do at school. I had a personal word with his teacher, but like us, she can only do so much. The rest we must leave in God's capable hands and pray that there is no re-breakage.

The doctor didn't say anything about Dancing.

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