Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Long Cold Darkness Has Ended

I firmly believe that the long cold darkness is coming to an end, and no, I'm not really talking about the weather. For my family the past year and a half or so has been pretty rough, both physically (with several broken body parts) and emotionally (loss of family pet, job related issues, OCD). The amount of stress that we were under seemed almost unbearable on some days. Honestly, my faith was shaken. I never doubted that God existed, I just wasn't sure how he felt about me. But, I never gave in. I searched for answers and sought him. God is definitely big enough to handle it when we ask "Why?"

Through the long dark hours of not being able to see and wondering if things were going to work out right, I found that God, my savior, was with me the whole time. With all that happened, the silver lining showed me that things could have been worse. When I fell down my steps and broke my ankle, I wasn't carrying my 9 month old. When I twisted my other ankle, I didn't fall of the roof. When Ben broke his leg, it was a clean break and he didn't have any internal injuries. Not to mention all the additional stress in other aspects of our lives which I will not go into publically here.

My daughter is a huge fan of Hannah Montana and the new movie came out last year. In it was a song "The Climb" and it totally defined my life. One line really spoke to me "Keep the Faith". Now I know this was not ment to be a religious song but God can speak to me through anything. This song gave me hope to ride the storm through to the end. God often speaks to me this way through everyday ordinary things.

As the New Year turned, peace came over me and I felt the Lord speaking to my spirit telling me that the long night has passed. I often hear others asking "Why do bad things happen to good people?" A friend once told me, "the rain falls on the good and the bad alike. There is no distinction." Do I wish that these things would have passed us by and my family had been left alone? You bet ya! However, I have learned and have a better understanding of my faith. I was often reminded of Job and my husband often referred to Joseph. When I read these stories, I discovered that they both had happy endings.